Sega System 24 Disks and Resurrection?

The natural progression for Sega after the popular system 16 and system 18 games, was system 24. Higher resolution graphics meant using a medium res display and needed more memory to store the graphics data. Sega’s solution was to use a cheap medium instead of expensive eproms. Over 8 megabits of data…. Floppy disks! How can it fail. But wait, floppy disks can be easily copied, so Sega continued the usage of their FD1094 security processor.

Move forward 20 years and arcade collectors have a major pain. FD1094 batteries failing and disks either getting lost, or damaged from overuse.

A cheap repair/fix solution is needed.

Putting together a System 24 USB adapter, modified System 24 bios and a disk server program running on my PC and voilĂ , nice fresh disk images can be written using the System 24 hardware itself.







Modified Bonanza Bros disk running on a Dynamic Country Club rom board


My System 24 Scramble Spirits cabinet buried under stuff



4 thoughts on “Sega System 24 Disks and Resurrection?”

  1. Hi Chris,
    great job.I’m wondering if now it’s possible to run any System24 games using a standard 68000 CPU with patched ROMs (in a way similar to System16).


    1. Yes, it is. Both Crackdown and Gainground are running patched disks (not roms) using a standard 68000 instead of a FD1094, and Bonanza Bro’s is running with a DCClub rom board (and security chip). I will be selling kits on Sega Resurrection soon.

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